Saturday, February 23, 2002

It tastes so nice... I mean choosing, even when you chose something you can't immediatly identify with, it's coming from within you, somewhere (maybe deep - the more unexplainable choices come from deeper within?), just feeling confortable with your choices values them.
Have you ever fallen in love with someone without ever seeing, beeing with or talking with that person? Falling in love before there is a reason to? Well ... just turn the love machine back on again.
I'll be with the giants over the corner of this disco, "man it's so loud in here" (Man, It's So Loud In Here, They Might Be Giants).
Even though "there's no where to place anything" I've got something to place on my bed, I just need to get it from this chair I'm seating on into the bed...

(blurry... but not fadding)

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